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Bittrail Help

For help using the Bittrail system, you can use the Bittrail Wiki. Just use the search field on the Wiki to find the help you need. We are currently working on adding screen shots and finishing up all the different sections of the Wiki. If you see a link that is red, that means we have not gotten to it yet. If you can't find what you need on the Wiki, we will be happy to help you if you contact us. Once the Wiki is complete, we will migrate it over to the Bittrail.org domain, and start on the integration into Bittrail.

We are planning on integrating the Bittrail Wiki into the Bittrail system, so that on every page, there are links that go directly to help pages dealing with that part of Bittrail. There will also be an add-on that allows for a copy of the Wiki specifically for individual labs, and the lab admin will be able to customize any of the pages to meet their specific lab.


For troubleshooting problems, please contact us. We will be compiling a list of common troubleshooting items and putting them on this site.

Bittrail will work fine in any web browser, but if you want to get the most out of Bittrail we suggest using Mozilla Firefox. Some of the advanced javascript and styles do not work in Internet Explorer, because unfortunately Internet Explorer still has not caught up with the latest internet standards.

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