Hosting Plans
All prices and hosting plans are subject to change.
What is included with every plan:
Base Plans
Base Cost / Month
Typical Users
Typical Members
Typical Equipment
Max Transactions**
Base Cost / Month
Typical Users
Typical Members
Typical Equipment
Max Transactions**
Base Cost / Month
Typical Users
Typical Members
Typical Equipment
Max Transactions**
* You have the option to choose to be in a yearly contract or a monthly contract. Read below for more information on base plans.
** A transaction is any procedure that produces a result window in Bittrail. (e.g. Check-Out, Check-In, Reserve, Add Member, etc.)
Typical Users: The maximum number of employees that use the Bittrail system. This does not include members that are allowed to log in, if that feature is enabled. This amount is not strictly enforced, but will be if the number of users is grossly higher than the max amount.
Typical Members: The maximum number of students/customers/teachers that can be in the system.
Typical Equipment: The maximum number of items/books/videos that can be entered into the system.
Max Transactions:
Options for Base Plan Upgrades:If under yearly contract: The average transactions / month for one year. This is calculated by taking the number of transactions done starting from the the anniversary of when your Bittrail service started, and dividing it by the number of months spanned.
If under Monthly Contract: The number of transactions in one month.
If an upgrade is needed mid-year on a yearly contract, you will only be charged the higher plan price for the remainder of the year.
- Automatically Upgrade Plan, and get notified when the plan is upgraded.
- Notify if reaching limit of plan, and automatically upgrade plan once limit is reached.
- Notify if reaching limit of plan, and wait for authorization to upgrade plan (service is stopped when the limit is reached if we do not receive your authorization to upgrade the plan)
- Automatically stop service if limit is reached, and resume service the following month.
- Communications Center (Forum Plug-In for communication) = $10/Month or $100/Year
- PDF Libraries (included free)
- Comming soon: Video Rental Add-On (Will be a free addon)
Testing Discount
- Use Test Base Code- Receive 15% discount.